Quantum Recreation Networking


Importance of Networking for Recreation Professionals

If you are working as a recreation professional, you might just have the most rewarding job. The extrovert’s dream, you work with people and get to be outside and organize events. The beauty of working as a recreation professional is that all you need is a passion for recreation. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a little R & R? Whether you went to university and got a degree or you decided to venture into the wide world of entrepreneurship and open a food truck, anyone has the ability to work as a recreation professional.

Being a recreation professional is more than organizing or attending events, it is more than attending summer camps and leading fun activities. To flourish as a recreation professional, it is of absolute importance to network. Network with other professionals, leaders of other organizations is vital to the development and improvement of not only the park you represent but also it is excellent for interpersonal development. Networking is made easier with Alberta Recreation and Parks Association, however, don’t limit your networking to only parks and recreation. Broaden your horizons and venture into networking outside of your sphere. There are many organizations in and around Alberta that offer brilliantly beneficial opportunities and ideas.

What is networking?

All this is made easier if you know a little bit about what networking is all about? Networking is about exchanging ideas, sharing information with like-minded individuals who are either in the same career or similar careers. These informational exchanges usually happen at conferences, within a more social setting, around the buffet table in between seminar sessions or during a break at an event that like-minded professionals are attending.

Why is networking important?

When you network, you increase your visibility, you meet potential clients or professionals that you can work with. You stay abreast of the current news or trends in the recreation field; i.e. you get to know other practitioners, and you have access to the expertise, knowledge and information from others who have walked the road already.

Networking is most effective when it is done face-to-face, however there is something to be said about the effectiveness of networking online. Social media platforms, forums and online groups open up a world of networking opportunity. Through online networking, you are able to reach out to professionals from around the world and share ideas, ask questions and gain vital and valid information. In a time when information and technology are gaining traction and changing at a rapid pace, it is a good idea to crack open that laptop and start joining different groups and start networking.

This brings us to networking with consultants and the role they play in the municipal world. A consultant’s whole business is about networking, making sure they are in the know with the trends, what other municipalities are doing and how other industries are supporting the field of recreation. Quantum Recreation is passionate about recreation and has a knack for networking, which is why it is great to get to know our team. We can also start helping others network more effectively and efficiently. The Quantum Recreation team attends as many events as possible and welcomes anyone to look for them at these events for a chat, or you could even approach them to help you navigate through an event and network with the professionals.

Quantum Recreation has built up a strong contact base and a large network around Canada. Our expertise also stretches over other sectors, like the special event and project management sector. Our vast network and collective in-depth knowledge of different sectors make our team members are ideally suited to help any recreation professional.

Think of the Quantum Recreation Team as your wingman at the next event, helping you meet other practitioners, and giving you the right information to make the right connection.

Key constraints in opening recreation and parks facilities post Covid-19.

Key constraints in opening recreation and parks facilities post Covid-19.

Well, this year, we have had an unprecedented impact on our recreation and parks facilities. The Covid-19 virus has shut down all public gathering spaces which in turn has shut down our recreation and parks facilities. Now, as our province and many others start lessening the restrictions, we are able to start opening up. As recreation practitioners, we are all getting excited to see our facilities filled again with the hustle and bustle of attendees looking to create community, participate in sport and get their flex on. However, as the provincial health organizations are providing quick timelines and the public do not understand that the municipality has the final decision what services to offer first. It seems we are placed in a difficult place and often appears as if we are “Flat-footed”. We like to use The Triple Constraint Theory. This theory pertains typically to projects however we have used it for special events and decision making for Councils.

The quality of a project, product or opening of a recreation and parks facility is impacted by three variables;

  1. Scope-to what extent or details you require
  2. Time-how fast do you want to do it
  3. Budget or cost-how much do you want to spend

As we all know, in a municipality, it is impossible to be all things to all people. Using this model allows us to understand that if you place emphasis on one variable it impacts the other variables. For example, if you are asked to open playgrounds at 3:30pm on a Friday and have staff only till 4:30pm what do you do?

If the expectation is all playgrounds (SCOPE) need to open fast (TIME) then we will need the staff to work overtime (BUDGET/COST). This would provide all playgrounds open (QUALITY) but with increased staff time (BUDGET/COSTS).

However, if we manage expectations by only opening half the playgrounds (SCOPE), which would need to be open fast (TIME) allows for less overtime (BUDGET/COST). This would provide limited playgrounds open (QUALITY) but with less staff time (BUDGET/COSTS).

Why is this important?

As municipal practitioners, we can influence our CAO or Managers in turn Council to understand the complexities of our work and the associated costs. This can be completed by asking staff or estimating hours based on our current services levels. This doesn’t mean every request is a “No,” but it can’t always be a “Yes.” You need to be able to paint pictures to ensure that senior administration and Council understand there are options for every decision and to help drive those decisions. Anything can be done. It just depends on what costs, timeline and scope you want it to be completed.

It will be important to create a plan to prepare for the provinces opening up strategies and  you have at least two options full opening and a staged opening. You can develop a plan and include analysis of the two options, full opening and a staged open, using the step below. The analysis and plan can be used to present to Council and Senior Staff.

  1. Review current staffing levels and estimate staffing of the two options.
  2. Create timelines that account for both options.
  3. Estimate the financial impact of the two options.
  4. Get press releases ready for two options.
    1. Include timelines, what is opening and why, and the processes required in the opening recreation and parks facilities. For example, a pool cannot just be filled with a garden hose and opened like one in the back yard.
  5. Start prepping staff on requesting who can work weekends or who wants to work overtime to ensure you can meet the option presented.
  6. Make sure all the necessary supplies are stockpiled

Completing this will ensure that you will not be caught “Flat-footed” and senior administration and therefore Council will understand what it takes to provide quality recreation and parks facilities in a time when we have shut down due to Covid-19.