how to sanitize a playground

How to Sanitize a playground/playspace in a COVID-19 World?

Sanitation of playground equipment

The Government of Canada is recommending the following diluted bleach mixture (as being effective against COVID-19): Diluted bleach prepared according to the instructions on the label, OR, in a ratio of:

  • 1 teaspoon (5 mL) per cup (250 mL) or
  • 4 teaspoons (20 mL) per litre (1000 mL)

  1. Ensure playground/playspace area is free of users.
  2. While wearing personal protective equipment, use a cloth with the bleach solution and wipe down the most used touch points such as handrails, climber rungs, etc.
  3. Wait till playground is dry and then permit use.

General cleaning of playground equipment

  1. Start by reading playground manufacturers instruction manual for specific instructions.
  2. Ensure playground/playspace area is free of users
  3. Use a power washer on metals and plastics (be sure to start on the lowest / least powerful setting to help ensure no damage to the equipment) while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid contaminated water droplets.
  4. Use warm soapy water and a cloth for all other playground surfaces.
  5. You can use a soft bristle brush can be used to get rid of dirt on plastics, get into crevices and to clean ropes.

 Hopefully by working together to keep our playgrounds/playspaces and recreational facilities clean we can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and/or other communicable diseases.

For full version: from the Canadian Playground Safety Institute

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