
What happens if gyms close forever – how will we work out? Will we improve our fitness levels?

Each of us has altered our fitness regimes during COVID 19, and the regulations have impacted the viability of local gyms, including permanent closures. The question now is if we will return to our old fitness regimes and support local gyms or continue to work out at home. If we work out from home, can we maintain or improve our fitness levels?

Fast Company has predicted that gyms will not come back, and initial surveys found 76% of people have been working out at home, and 66 % prefer it ( The fitness industry is adapting and using innovation to launch new equipment or on-line platforms for people to use at home. With new equipment and on-line options, people have a choice to work out at home or go back to the gym.

Harvard Health has listed the pros and cons of joining a gym or working out at home (

Joining a Gym

  • The benefits include providing options with equipment or facilities to workout, the availability of fitness classes or spotter for safe lifting, no distractions, and increased motivation or a boost from being around other people to encourage you to work harder.
  • The challenges include the cost, the hassle to accommodate their schedule, access to equipment, and the additional time commitment to participate.

Working Out at Home

  • The benefits include convenience (you do not have to pack a bag or drive anywhere), creating your own workout time or schedule, no monthly costs after investment in equipment, and your ability to create variety with workout apps or live-streaming.
  • The challenges include boredom from being at home with limited equipment or workouts, lack of motivation with a million excuses not to exercise, and the space in your home for equipment or space for training.

If gyms do not return and people workout at home, will they continue to be motivated, keep up their exercise regimes, and maintain their fitness levels.

If you are self-motivated, working-out at home is easy, and you will exercise no matter what. However, if you find way too many distractions or excuses to exercise, then the gym is an excellent workout option.

The critical question is, will we maintain or improve our fitness levels if gyms close permanently. There is a loss of camaraderie, motivation, accountability, and even fun you gain from being with a personal trainer, instructors, or fellow participants at the gym or fitness class. As you see, other people working out or spurred on by an instructor encourages us to push ourselves and ultimately improve our fitness levels. Can we get the same results through on-line platforms or working out by ourselves.

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