Picture of Playground Closed due to COVID-19

What Municipalities are doing for Parks Amid COVID’19

The pandemic of COVID’19 has affected human life in different ways. We have had to stay home, due to social distancing to flatten the curve of infection of the COVID-19 virus. This has prevented us from participating in our fitness or recreation programs, which are key to our healthy lifestyles. This closure of recreation centres and parks have negatively impacted us both physically and mentally. Additionally, staff and contract workers are facing an economic crisis due to the closures, as it has depleted their source of income.

Countries have started considering the loss these closures are causing and hence started taking measures based on the number of COVID-19 cases a municipality possesses. The ease will not be sudden or similar in all the areas. If we look deep into the Canadian or American municipalities, the reopening plan for specific recreation centres differs in their ways.

So, What are Canadians Doing?

COVID 19 has distressed the entire country, and the officials are trying their best to make it favourable for the masses. The observed number of cases in Canada has decreased in the previous month, yet the warning for another wave is alive. The provinces are working differently on lifting the restrictions, based on their circumstances.

Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, for instance, has decided to lift the restrictions from the parks and community gardens and yet parking lots, restrooms, playgrounds and sports facilities will remain close. The aim is to allow a minimum number of individuals to ensure the public maintains social and physical distance. The current rule is two metres (6 feet) of distancing and a limited number of five people standing in a group. Moreover, people are requested to use their sanitizers and keep their hands constantly clean.

Edmonton, on the other hand, is focused on physical distancing. And with the ease in restrictions, they have allowed the parking lots and parks to open. However, public restrooms, playgrounds, dog parks and sports facilities are still closed.

There is no official national response or coordination on how parks should be operated by the municipality. For example, in New Brunswick, Moncton and Saint John the parks and beaches are open.

What are Americans doing?

Since the US is suffering from extreme cases of COVID 19, most of the states are not lifting restrictions. Where South Carolina, Texas and Florida are picking up pace towards easing restrictions, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are focusing on more precautious.

In Jersey City, for instance, has decided to open only five parks with certain restrictions. Also, the authorities will do a deep cleaning before the parks re-open. The use of parking lots will be limited to 50%, the playground or sports activities which require shared equipment will not be allowed, and the indoor facilities or public restrooms will remain close. Social distancing is considered mandatory for the people, and authorities will take immediate actions against those who violate the rules. Furthermore, the Police Department will keep a check on all the actions taken by the people and the authorities, to respond accordingly.

Most of the parks around the country are opened but with limited access. Government has not restricted people from inhaling healthy and fresh air as far as they are following the rule of social distancing. But parks with the most crowd are not open, for the safety of the people and the staff.

Parks and recreation centres are essential to health and wellbeing. But as COVID 19 spreads with human interactions, governments around the world are taking adequate actions to lessen the chances of infection.

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